Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Random Thoughts

The Texas Legislature has passed a law that will allow student, faculty, and staff to carry concealed weapons with a permit. Like some wacko couldn't pass the the test to get the permit. Leave it to Texas. Your thoughts. Do you find this as disturbing as I do.

Swine flu scare. A little overblown. My auctions canceled. I didn't have much of a life before but now I have no life and play stupid farm games on Facebook all day. Thank goodness it is almost June and I will have work again.

Speaking on June. Medicare June 1st. Hurray for me. I can go to the doctor again.

And last but not least. A heartfelt thank you to Anna from Diary of an Eccentric for her book giveaways. I won The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson. Check out Anna's current blog as she is having another giveaway for the book Mating Rituals of the North American WASP by Lauren Lipton


Judy said...

I cannot imagine passing a law that would allow students to carry weapons. I can't imagine this and what they must be thinking. I have been trying to avoid crowds due to the swine flu thing, too. I hope it does not become any worse.

pamwax said...

I do need to clarify one thing. That would be on college campuses only. But still....

waxmaniac said...
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waxmaniac said...

Here's the brilliance of the Texas legislature. Some nutjob decides to go on a shooting spree on a college campus. He wanders into a classroom where two of the students are licensced to carry concealed weapons, and both are packing. Now instead of one idiot shooting up the classroom there are three.

I'm all for the 2nd Ammendment; I myself own a handgun and a rifle, and wouldn't hesitate to use them to protect myself and defend my home. But if I'm not in my house, there are people out there who are trained to protect me from the nutjobs. They're called cops. They might not be perfect at what they do, but I certainly trust them more than I would some civilian who passed a shooting test. It ain't the wild west anymore!!!!

On the swine flu thing...IT'S THE FLU!! People get the flu every year, people die of the flu every year. The only reason this is even news is because it's happening in spring instead of winter, and scaring us about the economy has become boring.

So we take an illness that isn't really scary, give it an ominous sounding adjective, provide a little rampant, and mostly fabricated, speculation about its potentcy, hype it up like it's a harbinger of the Rapture (make sure & use the word "pandemic" a lot), and BEHOLD! Panic in the streets over...THE FLU! Yeah media!!!!

I thank God every day that there is such rampant stupidity in this world, because it provides me with endless entertainment.

Jeannie said...

I'm scared to go to Texas, Pam.

Anna said...

I'm pretty sure I pass by people with concealed weapons all the time in the Baltimore area. Seriously, though, that's scary!

I'm so glad one of my buddies won the giveaway! Hope you enjoy the book. And thanks for mentioning my current giveaway. I really appreciate it.

Diary of an Eccentric

Unknown said...

I don't have a problem with concealed weapons, but living in Detroit many people carry guns (unregistered) and some registered. Most deaths here are drug related and they are frequent, or children shooting themselves with their parents guns. I would feel a little uneasy for college kids to carry concealed weapons, just because drinking is so common off campus at parties.

pamwax said...

Karen thank you for your comments. I do agree with you. It is not just Detroit. El Paso is right in the middle of the drug wars with Mexico's violence spilling over our border.

But guns on campus...I question the wisdom.

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