Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why I Like Sasuke

This is for my friends and family who don't seem to understand why I love Sasuke, Makoto Nagano, and the rest of the All-stars. How can you not admire and be inspired by these gentleman.


Jeannie said...

Thanks for the plug, Pamwax.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately, that kind of sportsmanship has beclome so uncommon in America that it is alomst un-American. Fun has been replaced by achievement. "WIN, WIN, WIN", "YOU HAVE TO BE THE BEST". Very sad.

pamwax said...

You are so right Davy, But I know that you will instill the same sportsmanship in your kids as your Dad did in you. Mommy loves you.

waxmaniac said...

I have to disagree a little bro. The problem isn't that sportsmanship in America is disappearing, the problem is that the media overhypes the negative behaviors to such a degree that it becomes easier to buy into the idea that sportsmanship in America is dying. Our society has become so jaded that the "good guys" just aren't that interesting. The vast majority of athletes that I have worked with were good people who competed for the right reasons.

Unknown said...

You're probably right. I was in a bad place when I wrote that comment.