Thursday, October 25, 2007


Today brings sadness to my heart. Yesterday my best friend lost her 99 year old father. It doesn't matter that we know it is going to happen, it still hurts. Today is the 20th anniversary of my father's death. That also still hurts. I miss you Daddy (my first inspiration and hero)


Some Kinda Wonderful said...

Sadness, indeed. My mother has been gone nearly 8 years and I still find myself picking up the phone to call her. And it's still a blow everytime I remember that she isn't there anymore.
My condolences to your friend, Pam.

pamwax said...

Thank you SKW for the kind words. I lost my Mother 15 years ago Oct 30th. I still find myself wanting to pick up the phone and tell her and my Dad about something their great grandkids have done. It makes me realize I am now the older generation. That's a scary thought.

Jeannie said...

I'm so sorry Pam. Whether a death is yesterday or twenty years ago, the pain is always there. Time can't always heal all wounds.

pamwax said...

Thanks Jeannie you are a sweetheart.

waxmaniac said...

I miss Grampa too Mom. I still remember watching ballgames with him as a kid, and I think about him every openning day.